Primary School Tamil Teachers Union

Deputy Head Teacher Case

Respected Tamil Teachers, Vanakkam. The Primary School Tamil Teacher's Union grew out of the need to protect the common interest of Tamil Teachers working within the primary sector a long time ago. It also helps to promote the teaching and learning of the Tamil Language at the primary school level.
Respected Tamil Teachers,
Vanakkam. The Primary School Tamil Teacher's Union grew out of the need to protect the common interest of Tamil Teachers working within the primary sector a long time ago. It also helps to promote the teaching and learning of the Tamil Language at the primary school level. Due to numerous requests raised by our members concerning the stagnant situation for the Promotion of the Deputy Head Teacher post, the PSTTU gave rise to many attempts to deliver justice to our loyal members. Today we can proudly inform you that the Ministry officially informed us that approval has been received from the Secretary to Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service to fill all vacancies in the grade of Deputy Head Teacher (OL). We are very happy for all our members and also for all other OL teachers which fall into this category. We would like to thank the ministry who was sympathetic and took our request under consideration. We would also like to say thanks a million times to our members for placing their trust and confidence in our abilities. Please find hereunder the email sent to us through our official email address.